Cloudy To Clear


Learn the basics of dialysis on 1 weekend.

The key to achieving dialysis wellness is to be able to understand all of the aspects of dialysis and how it relates to the life of your loved one. With that understanding you can see its effects and make healthy changes.

4 Pillars of Dialysis Wellness

  • Pillar 1: The Introduction to Dialysis and the Unit

  • Pillar 2: Understanding Your Labs and the Pitfalls You Will Face

  • Pillar 3: Understanding Diet and Restrictions

  • Pillar 4: Understanding How To Manage Your Life on Dialysis

Who are these classes for family who?

  • Want more information on the medication and its importance

  • Want to better understand the effects of too much fluid

  • Are frustrated by the renal diet and its limitations

  • Want to help their loved ones with their energy levels after dialysis

  • Feel overwhelmed with life of caring for someone on dialysis

  • Think they can’t afford the renal diet

  • Are tired of the hospital visits and stays

  • Want to cut back on medical bills

  • Want more quality time with their loved ones

  • Ready to help their loved one find a new normal in life

Click here to join us.