An Unspoken Disability
Anxiety is a major problem that often goes unacknowledged. Many people seemed to be ashamed or embarrassed by the struggle anxiety presents. When anxiety takes a hold of your mind, a person is often at it’s mercy and at times is unable to complete the tasks of daily life because of it. The DEBILITATION of this condition is very real and very scary but because of the perceived weakness associated with anxiety, many people suffer in silence.
I had never experienced any more than a low level of anxiety prior to a couple of years ago. When it first started I had no idea what was going on. As it continued and began to interrupt my daily life I started researching my symptoms, speaking with other people about it and paying close attention to my feelings, thoughts and actions prior to when I would begin to feel anxious. That self-assessment and ACKNOWLEDGMENT of my negative behaviors were crucial to being able to pinpoint my issues and gave me the ability to start to work on creating an action plan to get MEback together.
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